Waitākere College

School Ball

The venue was beautifully transformed into the ethereal theme "Into The Woods" and students glammed up for the most anticipated night of the year.

The school ball is always a highlight of the year for seniors, a time to get dressed up and dance the night away with friends, a night to remember long after finishing high school.

An amazing night like this doesn't just happen, during term 2, the ball committee began their planning and preparations for the senior's special night. The 2022 Ball.
They had meetings every day 6 of their timetable with Miss Mcfall at lunchtime and made decisions all revolving around the night that every senior will remember. They had chosen the theme “Into The woods” and had a helping hand in the decorations, food, and entertainment for the night.
Because of the ball committee's preparations, the night was filled with laughter, singing, dancing, and big smiles, the amazing energy and vibes were all thanks to this team of amazing student voices who dedicated their time preparing a special night for the year 12’s and 13’s. Thank you Ball Committee for your hard work.

Here are just a few of the photos from the night, students who attended have a huge, online album to view and download photos from.

Image Gallery: