Waitākere College

Book of the Week - BWB Texts by a Range of New Zealand Writers

BWB Texts are short books on big subjects for Aotearoa New Zealand. From NZ publisher Bridget Williams Books, these are snappy little paperbacks from expert NZ writers.  They cover topics such as politics and policy, social issues, Pacifica, business, religion, gender and feminism, economics, health and medicine, food and nutrition. You can slip them in your pocket and they don’t take long to read.

The BWB  writers are an A list of New Zealand talent. We have about 70 in our collection and have allocated them their own shelf space, (because with their compact size, they can get overwhelmed and lost amongst full-size books). It is easy to browse our collection and pick out a couple on topics of interest to you.

More information can be found on their websites here and here