Waitākere College

2024 Arts House Trust Secondary School Awards

Year 13 Sculpture Student Havana Vigar has been selected as a finalist for her sculptural work ‘Finger Licking Good’ in the 2024 Arts House Trust Secondary School Awards. In a pool of over 350 entries, it's a fantastic achievement to be selected as one of the top 42.

In its 12th year, The Secondary School Art Awards recognizes and celebrates emerging artistic talent in Aotearoa. This annual event is a fantastic opportunity for Year 11, 12, and 13 students to explore their artistic potential, challenge themselves, and elevate their passion for art to the next level.

Students from high schools across the country were invited to submit one artwork in the mediums of drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, or sculpture. The exhibition will run from September 6th to October 15th at the Pah homestead in Hillsborough. Head along and check out the show and don't forget to vote for Havana's work for the Peoples Choice Award.

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