Waitākere College

Senior White Netball Win

Congratulations to Tekura, Sarah and the Senior white Netball team for their 1st place win on Tuesday night for their grade.
What an amazing achievement and it is awesome to see this team work hard and have some FUN this year!

Also a massive congrats to our other senior teams for their achievements this season:

Prem 1 - 4th place in Premier 1A grade Top 4 in Netball Waitākere is pretty awesome! 

Prem 2 - 5th place in Premier 2 grade (most of the teams in this grade are Premier 1 teams). Also I want to mention this team has been invited to compete at UNISS (tournament week) this year meaning we will both Prem 1 and 2 teams out for the week competing.

Senior A - 4th Place in Senior B grade 

Senior Blue - 2nd Place in Senior C grade 

Senior Maroon - 3rd place in Senior F grade 

Thank you to all of my staff and volunteers for this season - you are all amazing!

 - Miss Fearnley