Waitākere College

Revive Rathgar Community Hui

Zeo Haami, a Community Organiser with Te Ohu Tāmaki, is working alongside Healthy Families and Community Waitākere on a project called Revive Rathgar. 

"We understand there’s a growing need for neighbourhood improvements around the Rathgar area, especially with increasing school enrollments and the overall growth of our community. To address these needs, we are pleased to invite your school community to join in the Revive Rathgar Road Community Hui, scheduled for Monday, August 26th at 6:30 pm at Pomaria Primary School."

Purpose of the Meeting: Revive Rathgar Road is dedicated to identifying key issues, building relationships and community power for improvements based on the needs and ideas of our local community. Our goal is to drive actionable changes to Rathgar Road that directly benefit our whānau, tamariki, parents, teachers, local residents and neighbourhoods. 

Key Discussion Topics for the Rathgar Road area: 

Community Hub: Establishing a safe and central space for students. Enhanced Lighting: Improving lighting in shortcuts to increase safety and accessibility.  Student Mural and Artwork: Involving local students in beautifying community spaces through murals and artwork. Infrastructure Improvements: Upgrading sidewalks, bike lanes, and pedestrian crossings to enhance walkability and accessibility. Strengthening Relationships: Connecting with Rathgar residents, local organisations, businesses, and schools to build a strong and united community voice. 

Details of the Community Meeting: 
Date: Monday, August 26th
Time: 6:30 pm.
Location: Pomaria Primary School - 33a Pomaria Road, Henderson.
RSVP: [email protected] / 0226398761
Light kai will be provided. 

We look forward to seeing you there, 

Ngā mihi nui, 

Zeo Haami - Community Organiser (Former student of Waitākere College), in collaboration with Community Waitākere and Healthy Families.