Waitākere College

Pasifika MC4 Graduation

Written by Ms Itamua

Malo e lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakaalofa lahi atu.

Our Senior Pasifika Year 12 students have been involved with this awesome program MC4 (Mana Connections 4). The 4 is for the four 'C's = Culture, Character, Confidence & Creativity.

The students have experienced and learnt a lot over the past 17 weeks after school, with mentoring, guidance, leadership workshops and talanoa. Camps have also been a massive highlight for them as well. Our students going into this program were quite reserved, and shy, and now we can say, they have come away confident, and outspoken, some acting talent surfaced, dance skills are amazing and the ability to stand in front of a crowd was a big bonus for them.

On Thursday 18 July, 10 of our students graduated from MC4. An evening to remember, a full fale with proud Kaiga coming to witness this milestone for their children. Malo aupito to our students on graduating. You have come away knowing that you have taken more steps forward towards success. Fakafetai lasi MC4 and the team for having Waitākere College this year.

Kia manuia.

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