Waitākere College

My thrilling adventure at NZMUN 2024!

Written by Angelica Sabili

During the final week of term 2, I had the privilege of attending the annual NZ Model United Nations at Victoria University of Wellington on a scholarship. This experience not only equipped me to create positive change in our communities but also empowered me to influence decision-making processes that impact us. Representing Switzerland at the event, I engaged in problem-solving workshops and simulated committee sessions, providing a platform for students to discuss crucial global issues. 

One of the highlights of NZMUN was meeting the Swiss Ambassador, Vick Vavricka, who offered me valuable insights into Switzerland's policy of neutrality and its federal system. He didn't stop there! He enlightened me about the magic of keeping an open mind, reminding us that each delegate brings a world of viewpoints from their homeland. It's like a global potluck of ideas - we just have to remember to bring our appetite for diversity! In a jam-packed lecture hall filled with 280 kindred spirits, every second was a whirlwind of excitement! We created friendships, tackled debates, strutted onto the NZMUN Vogue cover, and danced the night away at the gala.

Overall, I recommend that anyone interested in global affairs, debating, or finding a new passion embark on a new journey here at NZMUN. Attending the NZ Model United Nations can be incredibly beneficial because being open about global affairs is important for youth because it helps them to develop a broader perspective of the world and understand different cultures, viewpoints, and issues. I appreciate all my teachers and deans who have deeply supported me through this journey.