Waitākere College

Bollywood Showdown

Written by Esha Ram

On Friday, June 28, 2024, the Indian Cultural Group participated in the Bollywood Showdown at the Mahatma Gandhi Centre. We represented Waitākere College in front of judges, professional dancers, and an audience of over one thousand people!

Bollywood Showdown is the biggest Indian High School Dance Competition. It is more than just a competition; it is a labour of love organised by performers who have a deep passion for dance. It's a celebration of community and creativity, where dancers of all backgrounds come together to support, inspire, and uplift one another.

After the conclusion of Polyfest, our Indian Cultural group dedicated itself to preparing for this competition. It was a new, scary, and exciting experience for us since it was our first time. There were stressful moments when we doubted ourselves and felt lost, but we got through it together.

The theme of our dance was the beauty of girlhood and the strength it carries - the same strength that got us all through this event. We wanted to portray the coming-of-age story of every woman: the innocence of childhood, the adventure of youth, and the wisdom of womanhood. Our goal was for every woman in the room to connect with our story.

Our group was entirely student-led, from choreography to fundraising, audio tracks, and promotional videos. Group Leaders Kirti Sharma and Parisha Kumar worked hard to create a meaningful audio track and lead the choreography. Their expertise in dance made our performance possible.

Dancers Nimisha Nand and Hasti Pandya played key roles in putting together the show. They showcased their leadership skills by choreographing parts of the group dance and keeping the group motivated. We appreciate their teaching and dancing abilities.

I also want to acknowledge the contributions of Bhumi, Prachi, Paras, and Dilru, who helped us raise funds for our group on market day. Without their support (along with that of every generous dance member), we wouldn't have had the funds for our costumes.

Bollywood Showdown was a fantastic experience for us all, and we are looking forward to next year!

Our Dancers: Dhruvi Patel, Dristi Naiker, Bhumi Yadav, Nimisha Nand, Vanshika Swamy, Kirti Sharma, Parisha Kumar, Prachi Kumar, Esha Ram, Dilru Chandraratne, Hasti Pandya, Shreya Prasad, and Anisha Yadav

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