Waitākere College

Year 10 Services Academy Marches Out

The term “Marching Out” means bringing a period of service or training to a ceremonial conclusion.
The past two terms, students have been introduced to subjects such as Basic Drill, Physical Training, Radio Communication, Navigation, Knots and Lashings, and Ceremonial Drill. Apart from reinforcing the school values, the Year 10 Services program also prepares students for potential entry into the Year 12 Services Class of 2026. 

Principal Mark Shanahan was in attendance to present students with completion certificates. The 'Top Student' for the 2024 Term 1 & 2 Option was Mele Lafo. 

Enrolment information for the Year 12 Services Academy 2025 is available on request via Service Academy Staff. The Services class is a great place for students interested in careers in the defence force, police, fire service, or similar fields.

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