Waitākere College

Waitākere College Prepares for Word the Front Line 2024

In May this term, our two teams from the Waitākere College spoken word group competed in the 4th regional heats at TAPAC in Western Springs. It was announced two days after they performed that, Waitak’s Team 1 made it through to the semi-finals! This team of 6 will go up against 13 other Auckland high school teams and we are excited to witness our amazing Waitak poets take the stage!

Before stepping into the semi finals, they will be putting in the mahi over the next 8 weeks preparing their poems and bringing in some fresh content. They will also be attending slam camp in early August where they will be workshopping, meeting other like minded young poets, creating community and crafting their poems before taking the stage.

Our poets will be taking the stage for the #1 semi-finals heat on Saturday 17th August, from 1-4 pm at the Herald Theatre at Aotea Square. It will be open to friends and whānau and the tickets will go live soon. 

All of this could not have been possible without the team at Action Education, our wonderful coach Lex Shoemark provided to us, and without our amazing kaiako putting in the hard mahi to tautoko our amazing ākonga. 

With aroha, poetry and finger snaps!!!