Waitākere College

Mr Shanahan's - CLASS of the Week 12th - 19th Aug

Students Wendy Guan, Toby Chen, Daniel Kane, Jimmy Wang, Ben Caron, Scott Christie, Jaedyne Pearl Mayion, and Dana Daglet are this week's winners!

Nominated by Ms Tausā and Mr Collins

On Saturday, students Wendy Guan, Toby Chen, Daniel Kane, Jimmy Wang, Ben Caron, Scott Christie, Jaedyne Pearl Mayion, and Dana Daglet came into school to compete against 280 other teams nationwide in an engineering competition run by the University of Auckland.

The two teams worked tirelessly together, conducting research and calculations to solve an engineering problem provided at 10 a.m. They had to submit a report before the 6 p.m. deadline the same day. The challenge was to find a model and a solution to the problem: "How many airships would it take to replace the Cook Strait Ferries?" Their motivation and willingness to volunteer for this competition are commendable. They truly showed Manawanui throughout the day, and although the results will not be out for a while, these students are already winners in our eyes!